Mobile banking experience for young adults which helps them to take control of their finances.
Goal: To design a banking app targeted at millenials.
Problem: As more people are relying on apps to copmlete their banking services there is a need to rethink how they are shaped. Traditional retail bank apps are focused on delivering a fraction of services offered online rather than focusing on users needs and what banking means for them. Design research undertaken indicates that younger users are looking for tools which help them make sense of their spending and help them budget better.
Solution:An app which represents information to users in a way which helps them understand their spending habits and patterns.
Role: User research, ideation, prototyping.
Tools: Balsamique,Coggle, Sketch.
I have conducted three semi-structured user interviews which focused on interviewees digital and app banking habits, their financial goals and banking pain points.
Based on interviews I have crafted a represetation of the key target audience of the tool, which is millenials. Persona provides a clearer understanding of the needs and expectations of users.
Users seek banking apps which increase spending and budgeting awareness.
Information reperesentation needs to aid user's perception of their spending. Users find cluttered transaction lists/tables insufficient.
The most important banking app features are checking the balance and transferring money, users expect to be able to perfom these services 'on the go'.
To avoid confusion balance needs to take into account pending transactions.
Users need to see balance/spending over time.
Final Designs